Our experience in the banking world and our expertise allow us to cover all the areas necessary to build intelligent strategies corresponding to your profile.
What is
your project?

Build a financial and/or
real estate asset base

my money

Get support as a
business manager

Prepare for
my retirement

Build a financial and/or
real estate asset base

my money

Build a financial and/or
real estate asset base

There are many reasons for wanting to build up an asset base: preparing for retirement, seeking additional income, securing your financial situation or that of your family, financing studies, etc. Whatever your age and situation, it is reasonable to devote part of your savings to creating or developing your asset base.
Several investment products are available: financial savings, progressive investments on the markets, tax and inheritance envelopes (share savings plan, life insurance, etc.), retirement savings plan, real estate investment, use of credit, tax exemption system, real estate investment companies, etc.
To help you choose and implement the most appropriate solution, we study together your initial situation, your development prospects, your savings and/or debt capacity, your investor profile, and the expected availability of funds. Our objective: to enable you to reach your objectives, to create and/or develop your asset base in the best possible conditions.

my money

Good news: never have investment opportunities been so numerous and varied! Among these, some traditional asset classes continue to perform at their best: shares, bonds, monetary, directly or through funds. On the other hand, other products have entered the market which make it possible to further diversify your investments (real estate, asset funds), to decorrelate the performances of the financial markets (alternative management, structured funds, private equity), to choose themes of the future, or to control the impact of your investments (Socially Responsible Investments, Environmental, Social and Governance criteria).
More specifically, hundreds of management companies now offer thousands of funds. Our role is to select the best managers based on their performance, the consistency of their strategy, and their resilience in volatile markets. We will also keep you informed of market opportunities, and our decisions related to the allocation of portfolios we recommend.
Please note that choosing the method of holding these investments is as strategic as the asset class itself! Whether it's the tax benefit of a share savings plan for individuals or businesses on capital gains, succession advantages and innovative management options for the best life insurance contracts (under French or Luxembourg law), or freedom to invest in a securities account: each envelope has its own advantages. Our choices and recommendations are guided by our knowledge of your situation, your investment criteria and your objectives.

Get support as a
business manager

Prepare for
my retirement

Get support as a
business manager

As a business manager, you face many issues. These undoubtedly include structuring your companies, optimising your remuneration and protecting your family. At Alternative Patrimoine, we have the skills, resources and network of partners to answer all your questions. We take an overall approach, based on full knowledge of our clients' situation, which enables us to match your private and professional ambitions for your assets. We therefore consider all situations that could arise that may hinder your success: divorce, sale, family transfer, accidental death, etc.

Prepare for
my retirement

Everyone now knows that it is necessary to prepare well for retirement. It is therefore a good idea to let us guide you through this process, since many criteria must be taken into account: your current and future professional situation, your family organisation, your current standard of living and the one you want to have in future, your investment horizon, your risk profile, etc.
Based on this detailed analysis, we will determine together the strategy and investment vehicles that suit you best (direct or shared property, new retirement savings provisions under the PACTE Law, life insurance, financial markets, better contract management options, etc.). One thing is certain: the best tools for preparing for your retirement already exist. You just have to pick them early on and be well advised.

Choose a responsible investment

Optimise my taxation

sell my business

Organise my succession

Choose a responsible investment

Optimise my taxation

Choose a responsible investment

Do you want to support companies whose activities correspond to your personal convictions? In that case, a Socially Responsible Investment (SRI) may be an interesting solution.
This consists of taking into account – in addition to the classic financial criteria – a company’s behaviour on the social and environmental level. Clearly, these investments seek to be as efficient as conventional investments, while supporting so-called ‘morally ethical’ approaches. Three main approaches characterise this type of investment:
- Socially responsible or sustainable development funds: they identify the most successful companies from a sustainable development perspective, taking into account financial criteria, but also a broad set of environmental, social and governance (ESG) criteria. Waste management, reduced greenhouse gas emissions, accident prevention and improved social dialogue, as well as internal governance rules: all the company’s operations are scrutinised.

- Exclusion funds or ethical investments: these funds exclude from their portfolio companies with controversial activities such as arms, gambling, tobacco, alcohol as well as nuclear, GMOs, etc.
- Shareholder commitment or shareholder activism: this approach consists in making use of shareholder power to demand that companies become more involved in matters of social and environmental responsibility.
Depending on your convictions and motivations, we will help you identify the type of investments that suit you, but also meet traditional performance criteria.

Optimise my taxation

To optimise your taxation, you need to be constantly aware of legislative developments. The taxation of wealth is complex by nature, and all the more so since each new finance law brings its share of new provisions, coexisting across different tax regimes.
Staying up to date on these issues is obviously essential for our firm. Our partners and wealth management consultants are therefore given continuous training. They are also supported by a tax expert partner, who ensures constant monitoring of these subjects within the firm itself.
This is one of our distinctive features; however, tax optimisation is never an end in itself. It is above all just one element that can tip the balance in favour of an investment. Each tax benefit is also subject to specific constraints or risks. It is our role to guide you in making the best decisions.
If you would like to optimise your taxation, we can take action at three levels:
- When carrying out an audit of your assets, we make sure that your investments are in the right tax category. Sometimes, simple adjustments to the holding methods or the type of lease are enough to significantly increase the profitability of your investments.
- We then integrate the tax component as part of your asset strategy: we are therefore particularly attentive to the tax envelopes at our disposal. We study the most advantageous solution for you, whether it is financial investments, retirement savings, or real estate solutions (Pinel Law, real estate investment company, bare property, furnished rental, etc.).
- Lastly, we offer you the best investments according to your objectives: quality products whose tax advantages improve the performance of your investments

sell my business

Organise my succession

sell my business

Whatever the reason for selling, we know that it often represents a delicate moment for a business manager. To make matters worse, tax issues are arduous and therefore a tough experience. Whether under a general or derogatory regime (with conditions), we help you to see more clearly, and especially to anticipate the consequences of such a sale.
The sale of a business can also be an opportunity to re-examine all of your assets. Depending on your situation, certain mechanisms may prove interesting: the Dutreil pact, donation before sale, retirement, a family OBO or an LBO, or a contribution-sale (Article 150-0 B (b) of the General Tax Code) which allows the taxable subject – under certain conditions – to benefit from deferred taxation.
If you are in the process of selling your business, come and consult us. Thanks to our skills, our resources and our network of partners, we can identify the best placements within the allotted time.

Organise my succession

Many people wish to support their children or relatives financially, but very few organise their succession. At Alternative Patrimoine, we recommend studying all the options available to you to optimise your current and future asset base: you can access significant tax reductions, but above all avoid the law taking charge of the distribution of your assets.
Several schemes exist which make it possible to protect your spouse or benefit a member of your family:
- access the maximum of abatements
- take out several life insurance policies
- carefully draw up the beneficiary clauses of life insurance policies
- have recourse to bare property
- make a donation before sale
- adjust your matrimonial regime
- use a non-trading family real estate company
- etc.